Discover the Secret Home Method to Cure Any Pain or Health Problem with the Hidden Power of Medicinal Plants
Healing Potions and Tinctures
This homemade combination has the potential to quickly relieve pain, discomfort and inflammation due to its rapid preparation and high concentration.
Hidden Essentials
Combining the powers of essential oils will bring you well-being, relieve stress, fight infections and other health problems.
Secret Ointments
It masters the production of pasty solutions for the treatment of wounds, inflammation and muscle pain with rapid effects and high absorption.
Natural Teas
Learn about the plants indicated for more than 500 ailments and their preparation as quick brew herbal teas in 3 different formats.
Natural Recipes and Millennial Combinations
Discover the best combinations to combat health problems by treating the cause rather than the symptom.
The Academy of Healing Plants is recommended for various health problems, such as:
Joint and muscle pain
Fatigue and lack of energy
Memory and concentration problems
High cholesterol
Obesity and weight management
Arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia
Liver problems
Bronchitis and asthma
Rhinitis and sinusitis
And much more...
Teacher and creator of the Academy of Healing Plants
I am Alessandra Trevisano, a graduate in Biology, Phytotherapist and Specialist in Natural Treatments with Phytotherapy.
I have always been passionate about the power of medicinal plants and decided to further this passion by majoring in biology, where I had several opportunities in botany and education.
Today my mission is to share this knowledge and show how you can transform your health naturally. I do this by helping people improve their lives without depending on invasive treatments.
Join me on this journey and discover how the power of plants can change your life, too. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this growing community!
See what people are saying about the Academy of Healing Plants
I decided to teach the APC Method so that anyone can create their own natural remedies and heal their health problems at home.
Today you can learn these techniques directly from me to heal your body naturally and safely!
Upon completion of the course, I have prepared for you the most beautiful diploma that will bear your name and certify your knowledge in the field of natural remedies. Certificate of completion with 3 hours of the course.
3 life-changing gifts for a limited number of members
The first gift you will receive is the Healing Plants Academy Guide, where you will find everything you will learn at the Academy. This guide has hundreds of pages and is organized with clear pictures and instructions for identifying plants and preparing the most potent remedies at home. If you want to review a recipe or a plant detail, you do not need to watch the course again; you can simply follow it from the Academy of Healing Plants
Inside the Comprehensive Anti-Inflammatory Food Plans, you will discover 25 anti-inflammatory recipes that will help you fight chronic inflammation, along with the anti-inflammatory remedies you will learn in our Academy. Some foods, such as this common vegetable, can trigger a cascading inflammatory response and should be eliminated from your diet immediately. Other foods, which you will also find in this guide, help the body to have a healthy inflammatory response.
The Erb-based Weight Loss Protocole is an exclusive, step-by-step guide to achieving and maintaining the best fitness using plant remedies. In this protocol you will discover, among many other things, which homemade probiotics help the most, how to take advantage of “Nature's Ozempic” or the simple kitchen remedy that speeds up metabolism. You will also discover which fat-burning plants can eliminate fat and how cleansing your colon of toxins is more helpful for your waistline than even the strictest diet.
As soon as you secure a place in the Curative Plant Academy, you will also receive these 3 exclusive gifts worth US$29 each (US$87 total), completely FREE.
The Academy of Curative Plants is NOT a subscription. You pay once and you and your family can access it forever, from your cell phone, tablet, laptop or TV. And you can access it from anywhere in the world.
What will you find at the Academy of Healing Plants?
Part 1: Introduction
What is herbalism and how it works
Important course information
Terms of herbalism
Part 2: Preparing Herbal Tinctures with the Most Important Herbs
Overview of the preparation of herbal tinctures - Part 1
Overview of the preparation of herbal tinctures - Part 2
Learn how to prepare tinctures
Quick instructions for dye preparation
Burdock as a medicinal tincture
Leonurus cardiaca as a medicinal tincture
Echinacea as a medicinal tincture
Valerian as a medicinal tincture
Part 3: Making Herbal Teas with the Most Important Herbs
Prepare different kinds of herbal teas
Quick instructions for making herbal teas
Prepare Different Types of Herbal Teas
Nettle As Medicinal Tea
CALENDULA herbal tea excellent against a variety of problems
Natural remedy for INSOMNIA: Laurel infusion
Powerful FICO Leaf Herbal Tea: friend of diabetics
How to Purify the LIVER | CACHI Herbal Tea
Natural remedy for COOLNESS | SAMBUCO flower herbal tea
Part 4: Making Herbal Oils and Sauces with the Best Herbs
Preparing herbal infused oils
Quick Instructions Notes on the preparation of herbal infused oils.
Dandelion flower as herbal infused oil
Mullein flower as herbal infused oil
Calendula as herbal infused oil
Other plants discussed for the production of vegetable oils
Preparing an herbal ointment
Quick instructions for preparing an ointment
Plantain as a herbal ointment
Chickling vetch as a vegetable ointment
Other plants discussed for making herb sauces
Part 5: Making Honey and Herb Syrups with the Most Important Herbs
Production of herbal honeys
Quick instructions for making herbal honey.
The rose as herbal honey
Lavender as an herbal infusion in honey
Thyme as herbal honey
Preparing an herbal syrup
Lemon verbena as an herbal syrup
Part 6: Making Cataplasms and Herbal Wraps
Making a poultice and wrap
Details on plants discussed for preparation of poultices and compresses
Part 7: Important Considerations About the Use of Herbal Medicine.
How to use medicinal herbs safely
Selection of herb quality and proper storage
Harvesting wild herbs sustainably
Dried herbs collected from the garden or in the wild